From the campaign for the return of Benin's looted artifacts by British invaders in 1897 to the no-holds-barred condemnation of Nigeria's corrupt past and present leaders in tracks like PISSY PISSY, AZZHOLEZ ROCK and BRING BACK THE MONEY, this 1897 album is loaded with thought-provoking and inspiration songs. A click on the image will direct you to an online store where you can purchase the album or songs from the album.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


The doctrine of Discovery is an international legal principle constructed by 
European Christian nations in the fifteenth century to justify their dominance of indigenous peoples and their lands, territories, and resources in the non-
Christian countries around the world. Its application continues today and sets 
the foundation of the laws in colonial states – the united states, Australia, New 
Zealand and Canada.
Examples of its contemporary application:
  • The exploitations and human rights violations of indigenous peoples and their lands by Canadian mining, oil and gas corporations including Barrick Gold Corporation, Goldcorp Inc. Enbridge Inc. and TransCanada Corporation.
  • The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, Keystone XL pipeline, Pacific Trails Pipeline and Kinder Morgan pipeline project
  • Plan Nord of the Quebec government
  • Ring of Fire in northern Ontario.
  • Cultural appropriations such as Olympic mascots and Hudson Bay Co. sweaters.
The doctrine of Discovery is also the theme of this year’s UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples concluded on Friday, May 18. In the permanent forum, the representatives of indigenous nations not only spoke about the ongoing impacts of this doctrine on their people but also recommendations on how to redress these impacts.
We felt that this important topic is worth our attention and understanding as it is a rationalization which underpins the colonization of Turtle Island (aka North America) and other parts of the world. It legitimizes the morally condemnable, socially unjust and racist policies against Indigenous peoples worldwide.
3 great resources on this Discovery Doctrine:

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