Back on the
sickening absurdity, idiosyncrasy and outright political hypocrisy of most
Republicans in Congress that has always puzzled me and gets me enraged from
time to time…. as was the case on my Facebook Status Update a few days ago prior to the government shutdown.
The raw TRUTH this append is about to unveil below will undoubtedly come across
as unbelievable to anyone of sound mind....especially in the light of the fact that ON PAPER, the U.S.
Congress boasts the most educated and highly qualified public servants of any
government in the world. And on top of that, Republicans often sees their party as
the party of GOD…which explains why they consistently invoke the scriptures and
Godly morality in almost everything they do publicly. But in reality, as evident in their modus operandi, their god is no other than the
Although it
is transparently obvious that most Republicans...particularly the Tea Party wing, detest Obama with a passion synonymous with that of George Wallace and his likes during the Civil Rights era, but the evil-mindedness of these bunch of inhumane narcisssists parading as God-fearing lawmakers, runs much deeper.
Check this out: When hurricane Sandy decimated parts of New York and New Jersey in late October 2012, a whopping 77% of Senate Republicans and 78% of House Republicans voted AGAINST Federal Hurricane Relief for Sandy's victims in NY and NJ.
Among those who voted against Sandy relief were the four House Republican Reps from the State of Colorado---Congressmen Doug Lamborn, Corry Gardner, Scott Tipton and Mike Coffman.
As fate would have it, disaster struck again recently, but this time, it was the excessive and devastating FLOOD that crippled a large part of the state of COLORADO. And believe you me, the very same Congressmen listed above, went public, tails between their legs, to ASK for aid from the Federal Government for flood water victims in their STATE.
So in essence, the Federal relief that wasn't good enough for them to VOTE FOR in the case of NY and NJ, suddenly turned GOLDEN when disaster hit their own state. How is that for numbing hypocrisy and narcissistic egotism?
Congressman Bill Flores and Senator Ted Cruz from Texas (yes, the same filibuster-happy Cruz who regurgitated nothing but crap on the Senate floor for 21 hours) voted AGAINST Federal aid for Sandy, but came panhandling for the same Federal aid when explosion flattened the town of West Texas.
Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma also voted against hurricane relief for Sandy, but like his hypocrite pals above, he didn't hesitate for a second to ask for Federal aid when Tornado swept through Moore, Oklahoma a few months later.
Well, I guess the so-called BIG GOVERNMENT they relentlessly rant against is A-okay when Big Government funds are being channeled to their States and their States only.
Remember the Stimulus Package? Remember how most Republicans viciously ripped and sliced Obama to pieces because of it? Well, most (if not all) of the Republicans who bedeviled the President on account of the stimulus, wholeheartedly accepted HUGE stimulus checks from the Federal government and shamelessly took credit for programs successfully implemented with the stimulus money in their various States. Are you getting the picture as to how these ignoramus lawmakers operate?
But it doesn't end there. The Republican controlled house of Reps recently passed a bill that would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program----a program that helps over 4 million poor, low income earning American Families and their children keep the wolf off their doors every year. Families that are just the absent of a month's food stamps away from skid row. Is there anything remotely Godly about this dastardly act? If there is, then I must be reading from a strange Bible.
And how these heartless Republican reps did it as you will discover in a sec, clearly exposed their mind-boggling hypocrisy and deviousness. First they cunningly extracted the food stamp program from the Farm Bill which it has always been a part of over the years, then they wrote it out as a separate bill, and then voted to slash $40 billion from the program over the next ten years.
Meanwhile, absolutely NOTHING was done to slash farm subsidies under the same FARM BILL. Why not? Well, the reason is simple. It helps many already rich members of the republican party like Michele Bachmann who has received more than a quarter of a million dollars in farm subsidies from the Federal government simply because her family owns a farm. And that amount is peanuts compared to the colossal sums that a few of her fellow republican food stamps killing buddies have received from the Federal government as farm subsidies.
Here's a list 13 Republicans Reps who receives farm subsidies but voted to slash food stamps:
Rep. Blake Farenthold
And how these heartless Republican reps did it as you will discover in a sec, clearly exposed their mind-boggling hypocrisy and deviousness. First they cunningly extracted the food stamp program from the Farm Bill which it has always been a part of over the years, then they wrote it out as a separate bill, and then voted to slash $40 billion from the program over the next ten years.
Meanwhile, absolutely NOTHING was done to slash farm subsidies under the same FARM BILL. Why not? Well, the reason is simple. It helps many already rich members of the republican party like Michele Bachmann who has received more than a quarter of a million dollars in farm subsidies from the Federal government simply because her family owns a farm. And that amount is peanuts compared to the colossal sums that a few of her fellow republican food stamps killing buddies have received from the Federal government as farm subsidies.
Here's a list 13 Republicans Reps who receives farm subsidies but voted to slash food stamps:
Republican–Texas 27th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $1,205
Net Worth: $9,659,099 to $38,785,999
Republican–Tennessee 8th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $3,483,824
Net Worth: -$1,149,999
Republican–Missouri 4th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $516,000
Net Worth: $2,218,026 to $13,854,995
Republican–Minnesota 2nd District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $6,548
Net Worth: $248,009 to $645,000
Republican–California 1st District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $1,710,385
Net Worth: $1,268,007 to $5,596,000
Republican–Iowa 3rd District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $313,776
Net Worth: $2,315,175 to $7,650,167
Republican-Oklahoma 3rd District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $40,613
Net Worth: -$264,990 to $1,059,995
Republican–Wyoming At-Large
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $14,289
Net Worth: $7,252,036 to $30,584,999
Republican–Texas 18th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $4,321
Net Worth: $6,560,080 to $19,129,998
Republican–South Dakota At-Large
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $503,751
Net Worth: -$464,992 to $674,999
Republican–Indiana 3rd District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $196,268
Net Worth: $14,019 to $1,082,995
Republican–Texas 13th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $29,774
Net Worth: $241,007 to $580,000
Republican–Alabama 4th District
Total Farm Subsidies Received: $207,426
Net Worth: $506,019 to $5,815,999
And their hypocrisy, undiluted pride and ego continues unabated as they have now forced a shutdown of the government by taking the nation hostage in their bid to repeal the same Obamacare they've been trying to squash since 2010 but have been unable to through the legislative process, through legal procedures and via the ballot box. Yes, they're ready to burn the house down if they don't get that piece of meat they crave for.
Folks, as you can see, the Republican Party has clearly gone to the dogs. They are now political terrorists, and must never again be trusted to take control of the House, the Senate or the Presidency.
Monday Midnite
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