From the campaign for the return of Benin's looted artifacts by British invaders in 1897 to the no-holds-barred condemnation of Nigeria's corrupt past and present leaders in tracks like PISSY PISSY, AZZHOLEZ ROCK and BRING BACK THE MONEY, this 1897 album is loaded with thought-provoking and inspiration songs. A click on the image will direct you to an online store where you can purchase the album or songs from the album.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Michelle Obama: Undercover Shopping at Target

 First Lady Michelle Obama sported a casual Nike baseball cap, sunglasses and a floral-print button down shirt on a shopping trip to a Target department store in Alexandria, Virginia Thursday. Little did she know she’d be snapped by AP photographer Charles Dharapak, and her image broadcasted across news outlets within a few short hours.
“It is not uncommon for the First Lady to slip out to run an errand, eat at a local restaurant or otherwise enjoy the city outside the White House gates,” said Kristina Schake, communications director for the First Lady, in a CBS News report.
The Target location was combed by casually dressed Secret Service agents a half-hour before she arrived with an assistant, according to the AP.  She did, however, push her own cart, filling it with toys and food for the first dog, Bo, among other things. Mrs. Obama spent a reported 30-40 minutes at the location and was only recognized by the cashier.
This wasn’t the first lady’s only encounter with the discount-friendly store. She was spotted wearing a dress from Target in Phoenix in August 2009. So tell us, does Mrs. Obama’s discount store excursion make a statement about the importance of frugality in this economy?

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